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Pharmacy school is a pressure cooker for perfectionists. You probably have high expectations for yourself, but underestimated just how hard it would be. Pharmacist’s Letter helps students make informed decisions and put them into practice, guided by the latest evidence and the voices of experience.
Written for pharmacists, by pharmacists. We don’t just tell you what’s new in medication therapy, we tell you what to do about it in practice. Articles are easy to read and easy to apply.
We’re unbiased, honest, and practical. If the new drug is $4,000 and there’s no evidence it’s better than the $40 one, we’ll tell you. Your patients will appreciate it.
Pharmacist’s Letter has dispensed essential medication therapy and pharmacy practice recommendations to 200,000+ pharmacists for almost 40 years.
for the most difficult topics in any pharmacy program or IPPE/APPE, including: