The Leading Pharmacy Law and Compliance Expert
As the leading national expert on regulations, Bula helps pharmacies achieve and maintain compliance by delivering simplified current pharmacy law, legislative, and regulatory information in an accurate, timely, and meaningful manner.
Anticipate & Navigate Legislative and Regulatory Changes
Easily Search our Database for FAQs Covering All Jurisdictions
Our policy analysts regularly update the FAQs to align with changing laws and meet client needs, providing the most current information. Our searchable database offers quick insights on the most timely, relevant trending topics like:
With access to more than 300 pages of comprehensive pharmacy policies and procedures, CPAs, and forms, you can quickly and easily create manuals for your pharmacy.
From state-specific collaborative practice agreements (CPAs) to USP <800> policies and procedures, our state-specific templates help ensure compliance.
Save time with our prewritten policy and procedure templates that can be personalized to meet the specific needs of your pharmacy.
Explore our comprehensive library of more than 300 policy and procedure, forms, and templates.
Our resources are easy to read and understand to help you clarify expectations, reduce new-hire orientation and training time, and improve day-to-day operations.
Regulations are Checked & Updated Regularly
Registers are checked weekly. Proposed changes and additions are added to the database when published by the state.
Bula Specifically Tracks & Provides Updates on Legal & Regulatory Changes Specific to Pharmacy Law
Bula tracks pharmacy legislation such as The Pharmacy Act and Pharmacy Regulations.
We cover a wide range of topics in our FAQs database